network information center
Network Information Center

(NIC) A body that provides information, assistance and
services to network users. These will typically include
telephone and electronic mail "help desk" type services for
users and network information services such as hostnames and
addresses which are accessed automatically by computers using
some client-server protocol (usually Sun's NIS).

See also Network Operations Center.

podobné slovodefinícia
defense data network network information center
Defense Data Network Network Information Center

(DDN NIC or just "The NIC") The DDN NIC's primary
responsibility is the assignment of Internet addresses and
Autonomous System numbers, the administration of the root
domain, and providing information and support services to the
DDN. It is also a primary repository for RFCs.

See also Internet Registry.

internet network information center
Internet Network Information Center

(InterNIC) An umbrella entity created by the
National Science Foundation in Spring 1992, in cooperation
with the Internet community, consisting of Network Information
Service Managers who provided and/or coordinated NSFNet
services. General Atomics provided information services,
AT&T provided directory and database services, and {Network
Solutions, Inc.} (NSI) provided registration services.

In 1999 Internic was replaced by ICANN.



network information center
Network Information Center

(NIC) A body that provides information, assistance and
services to network users. These will typically include
telephone and electronic mail "help desk" type services for
users and network information services such as hostnames and
addresses which are accessed automatically by computers using
some client-server protocol (usually Sun's NIS).

See also Network Operations Center.


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